Immunology Relevant Databases

External databases containing immunology-relevant data
Reference Database of Immune Cells (RefDIC) is an open resource of quantitative mRNA/Protein profile data specifically for immune cells. Various aspects of mRNA/Protein profiles of immune cells can be retrieved from RefDIC.
Innate Immune Database (IIDB) is a repository of computationally-predicted transcription factor binding sites for over 2000 mouse genes associated with immune response behavior. A specific focus of IIDB is on Toll-like Receptor (TLR) genes, which are key components of innate immunity
Immunology Database and Analysis Portal (ImmPort) provides information technology support in the production, analysis, archiving, and exchange of scientific data for researchers supported by NIAID/DAIT. It serves as a long-term, sustainable archive of data generated by investigators funded through the NIAID/DAIT. The ImmPort system also provides data analysis tools and an immunology-focused ontology.
Immunogenetic Related Information Source (IRIS) is a database of all known human defence genes, produced in the laboratory of Professor John Trow-fluidsdale at the University of Cambridge. IRIS currently includes chromosomal locations, functional annotations, and sequence data for over 1,500 functional human immune genes.
Please note that the IRIS database does not seem to be available anymore.
Immunome Database for Genes and Proteins of the Human Immune System contains information about immune-related proteins, their domain structure and related ontology terms. Information can also be found for the localization of the coding genes and their comparison with the existing mouse orthologs. is an online resource for those interested in macrophages and their role as major effector cells in innate and adaptive immunity. This website is designed to act as a centralised resource for the worldwide community of scientists interested in different aspects of macrophage biology.
DC ATLAS is an immunological and bioinformatics integrated project, developed as a joint effort within the DC-THERA European Network of Excellence (, a collaborating network established under the European Commission?s Sixth Framework Programme to translates discoveries from DC immunobiology into clinical therapies. The major scientific and technological goal of DC-ATLAS is to generate complete maps of the intracellular signaling pathways and regulatory networks that govern DC maturation/activation and function.
Immunological Genome Project (ImmGen) is a collaborative group of Immunologists and Computational Biologists who are generating, under carefully standardized conditions, a complete microarray dissection of gene expression and its regulation in the immune system of the mouse. encompasses the innate and adaptive immune systems, surveying all cell types of the myeloid and lymphoid lineages with a focus on primary cells directly ex vivo.
Genome-wide prioritization of RIG-I-like receptor (RLR) pathway components is a resource of computationally-predicted and experimentally-validated components of the RLR pathway. The associated paper describes the RLR system by 10 molecular signatures identified across a variety of genomics data. Bayesian integration of these data led to the identification of novel RLR pathway components, many of which had an effect on RIG-I-mediated IFNβ induction.